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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Time Management..Paradigm of Success

Strategies on using TIME :
1. School Term/ Semester Overview: Develop or Plan for blocks of Study Time
About 50 minutes? How long does it take for you to become restless?
Some learners need more frequent breaks for a variety of reasons.
More difficult material may also require more frequent breaks.
Place blocks of time when you are most productive, as morning person or night owl!

2. Schedule Weekly Review and Updates
Sunday night may be an excellent time to review your calendar.
Be mindful that as deadlines and exams approach, your weekly routine must adapt.

3. Prioritize Assingment
During study, get in the habit of beginning with the most difficult subject or task.
Build in "Reaction Time" when you can get feedback on assignment before they are due.

4. Postpone Tasks or Routine That Can Be Put Off Until School Work/Assignment is Finished
Eliminate, delegate or delay non-essential tasks as part of prioritizing.
Review for a test may be more important than enjoying a sport and playing the game later will be more enjoyable without the pressure of the test.

5. Use Your FREE TIME wisely.
Think of times when you can study bits as when walking, riding the bus, etc.

6. Review Notes and Reading just Before Class
Try to get the keyword and the draft illumination of the chapter that will be study.

7. Review Lecture Material Immediately After Class
"Forgetting is Greatest within 24 Hours Without Review”